  • Showcooking

    Pairing cheese with beer


    Tuesday 05, 18:15h - 18:45h | El Rebost de Catalunya
    05-11-2024 18:15 05-11-2024 18:45 Europe/Madrid Pairing cheese with beer

    4 cheeses would be paired with 4 craft beers from different producers, thus proposing an interesting cheese board paired with local craft products.

    Nicolau Torra (Caterí Cuinant Formatges, Calders)
    Rosa Palomas (Cerveses Grenyut, Puig-reig)
    Emili Gutiérrez (Kibus beer, Olost)
    Aran León (La Pirata Brewing, Súria)
    Cristian Alonso (Cervesa Espiga, Sant Llorenç d’Hortons)
    Mònica Fauria (Marmitus)   

    El Rebost de Catalunya

    4 cheeses would be paired with 4 craft beers from different producers, thus proposing an interesting cheese board paired with local craft products.

    Nicolau Torra (Caterí Cuinant Formatges, Calders)
    Rosa Palomas (Cerveses Grenyut, Puig-reig)
    Emili Gutiérrez (Kibus beer, Olost)
    Aran León (La Pirata Brewing, Súria)
    Cristian Alonso (Cervesa Espiga, Sant Llorenç d’Hortons)
    Mònica Fauria (Marmitus)   
