Pairing of beer and preserved pork
Monday 04, 16:15h - 16:45h
| El Rebost de Catalunya
04-11-2024 16:15
04-11-2024 16:45
Pairing of beer and preserved pork
In this session we will discover several preparations made with pork from Pibernat Alimentaria in 5th range format and we will pair them with Minera craft beers.
Jordi Marcè (Cervesa Artesana Minera, Sant Joan de les Abadesses )
Carles Fluvià i Miquel Fluvià (Pibernat Alimentària, Olot )
In this session we will discover several preparations made with pork from Pibernat Alimentaria in 5th range format and we will pair them with Minera craft beers.
Jordi Marcè (Cervesa Artesana Minera, Sant Joan de les Abadesses )
Carles Fluvià i Miquel Fluvià (Pibernat Alimentària, Olot )