

Mon 04
Competition |  

Spanish Championship “Pizza por pasión”

04-11-2024 10:00 04-11-2024 15:00 Europe/Madrid Spanish Championship “Pizza por pasión”

In collaboration with the Università della Pizza Italiana del Mondo, GFB will host the Spanish national championship Pizza por Pasión.

Professional pizza chefs from all over Spain will compete for this prized award. The aim of the competition is to recognize the gastronomic level of pizza, to promote the pizza maker’s profession and to promote quality pizza.

Aula Forum
10:00h - 15:00h Aula Forum
Talk |  

Generation 90, the materialisation of a change of cycle

Jorge Guitián
Jorge Guitián Gastronomic communicator

04-11-2024 11:00 04-11-2024 11:30 Europe/Madrid Generation 90, the materialisation of a change of cycle

To open the ForumLab, Jorge Guitian will give a keynote speech on the Generation 90, one of the main themes of the Gastronomic Forum Barcelona 2024.

11:00h - 11:30h ForumLab
Cook & Chat |  

Bringing the countryside closer to the city, the agricultural parks in the month

Maria Nicolau
Maria Nicolau Chef

04-11-2024 11:00 04-11-2024 12:00 Europe/Madrid Bringing the countryside closer to the city, the agricultural parks in the month

How can we bring more sustainable agricultural production to people's tables? We talked to chef María Nicolau and the people in charge of some of the agricultural parks around Barcelona.

Aula Mercat Barcelona
11:00h - 12:00h Aula Mercat Barcelona
Workshop with tasting |  

Inclusive bakery

Lucila Canero
Lucila Canero La Luciérnaga Bakery

04-11-2024 11:30 04-11-2024 12:30 Europe/Madrid Inclusive bakery

Is it possible to make vegan pastries, without added sugars and gluten-free? Lucila Canero will show us that it is in this workshop where you will be able to taste all the desserts she makes.

11:30h - 12:30h Taller
Talk |  

Presentation of Catalonia World Gastronomy Region 2025

04-11-2024 11:30 04-11-2024 12:00 Europe/Madrid Presentation of Catalonia World Gastronomy Region 2025

Presentation of Catalonia World Gastronomy Region 2025

11:30h - 12:00h Auditori
Dialogue |  

The restaurant in the clouds. Digital transformation, more than a tool

Nagore García Iglesias
Nagore García Iglesias LACRÈME Co-founder
Marc Casanovas
Marc Casanovas Journalist Moderator
Max Ros Petrov
Max Ros Petrov CETT Lecturer and Master's coordinator
Adrián Mancheño
Adrián Mancheño Hispania Chef
Jose Peláez
Jose Peláez LABe-Basque Culinary Center

04-11-2024 11:45 04-11-2024 12:45 Europe/Madrid The restaurant in the clouds. Digital transformation, more than a tool

This round table will discuss the important topic of digitalisation in the hotel and catering sector.

11:45h - 12:45h ForumLab
Talk |  

Disfrutar 2024

Oriol Castro
Oriol Castro Disfrutar *** Chef
Eduard Xatruch
Eduard Xatruch Disfrutar *** Chef

04-11-2024 12:00 04-11-2024 12:45 Europe/Madrid Disfrutar 2024

The Disfrutar chefs will unveil in this session the creative proposals of what is considered the best restaurant in the world.

Auditori | Auditori
12:00h - 12:45h Auditori | Auditori
Dialogue |  

Where is Catalan cuisine heading?

Maria Nicolau
Maria Nicolau Chef
Eduard Xatruch
Eduard Xatruch Disfrutar *** Chef
Carme Ruscalleda
Carme Ruscalleda Chef
Jordi Vilà
Jordi Vilà Alkímia * Chef

04-11-2024 12:45 04-11-2024 13:30 Europe/Madrid Where is Catalan cuisine heading?

Four renowned chefs will debate the present and future of Catalan cuisine.

Auditori | Auditori
12:45h - 13:30h Auditori | Auditori reserved
Dialogue |  

ocial commitment and ethical values, inescapable ingredients of the 21st century

Mar Gómez
Mar Gómez Lluerna * Head of Room and Sommelier
Vicent Guimerà
Vicent Guimerà L' Antic Molí Chef
Marc Casanovas
Marc Casanovas Journalist Moderator
Lourdes Reyzábal
Lourdes Reyzábal Fundación Raíces - Cocina Conciencia President
Sergi Fàbregas
Sergi Fàbregas El Brot Chef

04-11-2024 13:00 04-11-2024 14:00 Europe/Madrid ocial commitment and ethical values, inescapable ingredients of the 21st century

Chefs and experts will reflect on the value of social commitment in the restaurant sector

13:00h - 14:00h ForumLab
Cook & Chat |  

Climate change and its effects on biodiversity and gastronomy

Juancho Martini
Juancho Martini Fat Veggies Chef
Luis Fisas
Luis Fisas Can Fisas
Carlos Cabrera
Carlos Cabrera Cooperativa L’Olivera
Josep Pintó
Josep Pintó Biolord Coop

04-11-2024 13:00 04-11-2024 14:00 Europe/Madrid Climate change and its effects on biodiversity and gastronomy

Vineyard and orchard producers talk to Juancho Martini, chef of the vegetable restaurant Fat Veggis about the effects of climate change on gastronomy.

Aula Mercat Barcelona
13:00h - 14:00h Aula Mercat Barcelona
Showcooking Taste |  

uality and refinement in everyday baking

Raul Bernal
Raul Bernal Lapaca Chocolatier

04-11-2024 13:15 04-11-2024 14:15 Europe/Madrid uality and refinement in everyday baking

The renowned and award-winning pastry chef Raúl Bernal will create some of Lapaca's most successful cakes in this workshop with a tasting afterwards.

13:15h - 14:15h Taller
Talk |  

Rethinking Catalan cuisine

Marc Ribas
Marc Ribas La Taverna del Ciri Chef

04-11-2024 13:30 04-11-2024 14:15 Europe/Madrid Rethinking Catalan cuisine

The media chef will present his vision of Catalan cuisine by cooking the most representative dishes he prepares at La Taverna del Ciri.

Auditori | Auditori
13:30h - 14:15h Auditori | Auditori
Showcooking |  

Local Catalan cuisine

Oriol Casals
Oriol Casals Teòric Chef
Teo Rubio
Teo Rubio Teòric Chef
Jaume Casado
Jaume Casado Safrà del Montsec

04-11-2024 15:00 04-11-2024 16:00 Europe/Madrid Local Catalan cuisine

The people at Teòric, one of Barcelona's most emblematic bistrots, talk to Jaume Casado, saffron producer, about how modern Catalan cuisine can be made with local and seasonal products.

Aula Mercat Barcelona
15:00h - 16:00h Aula Mercat Barcelona
Talk |  

Projects that transform the world

Selassie Atadika
Selassie Atadika Midunu Chef
Toño Pérez
Toño Pérez Fundación Atrio Cáceres *** Chef
José Polo
José Polo Fundación Atrio Cáceres *** Sommelier
Andrés Torres
Andrés Torres Casa Nova * Chef
Lourdes Reyzábal
Lourdes Reyzábal Fundación Raíces - Cocina Conciencia President
María Areces
María Areces Fundación Raíces – Cocina Conciencia Coordinator "Empleo conciencia"

04-11-2024 15:30 04-11-2024 17:30 Europe/Madrid Projects that transform the world

Six social projects that contribute to making a fairer world possible through cuisine, presented by their promoters, four professionals committed to their environment..

15:30h - 17:30h Auditori
Workshop with tasting |  

The new pantry

Sara Peral
Sara Peral OSA * Chef
Jorge Muñoz
Jorge Muñoz OSA * Chef

04-11-2024 16:00 04-11-2024 17:00 Europe/Madrid The new pantry

These two talented chefs, Sara and Jorge, will prepare live some of their already iconic dishes which can be tasted at the end of the workshop.

16:00h - 17:00h Taller
Dialogue |  

Selling time and caring for people

Kim Díaz
Kim Díaz Bar Mut Entrepreneur
Vanessa Vidal
Vanessa Vidal Prohost Talent CEO
Ivan Frutos
Ivan Frutos Coach
Guillem Pedragosa
Guillem Pedragosa CEO
Xoán Cannas
Xoán Cannas Instituto Galego do Viño Director
Marc Casanovas
Marc Casanovas Journalist Moderator

04-11-2024 16:00 04-11-2024 17:00 Europe/Madrid Selling time and caring for people

These 5 experts in different fields will discuss the hot topic of work-life balance in a sector in which it is no easy task. The objective: the well-being of people.

16:00h - 17:00h ForumLab
Talk |  

Pizzas that tell stories

Francesco Martucci
Francesco Martucci I Masanielli Chef


04-11-2024 16:30 04-11-2024 17:30 Europe/Madrid Pizzas that tell stories

One of the world's best pizza chefs will reveal some of his best kept secrets.

Aula Forum
16:30h - 17:30h Aula Forum
Showcooking |  

Sustainable fisheries: a necessary challenge for modern gastronomy

Quim Casellas
Quim Casellas Casamar Chef

04-11-2024 17:00 04-11-2024 18:00 Europe/Madrid Sustainable fisheries: a necessary challenge for modern gastronomy

Quim Casellas, a chef with a Sol Repsol who is committed to sustainability, talks to Cristina Caparrós, a local fishing activist.

Aula Mercat Barcelona
17:00h - 18:00h Aula Mercat Barcelona
Talk |  

West African cuisine in the heart of London

Adejoké Bakare
Adejoké Bakare Chishuru * Chef

04-11-2024 17:30 04-11-2024 18:15 Europe/Madrid West African cuisine in the heart of London

Joké, as she is known to everyone, will cook some of her most emblematic dishes live.

17:30h - 18:15h Auditori
Dialogue |  

The generational handover

Marc Casanovas
Marc Casanovas Journalist Moderator
Martí Roca
Martí Roca El Celler de Can Roca *** Chef
Marc Roca
Marc Roca El Celler de Can Roca *** Chef
Pol Ruiz
Pol Ruiz Aürt* Chef
Marc Cano
Marc Cano Aürt * Chef
Carlota Puigvert
Carlota Puigvert Les Cols ** Chef
Guillem Pérez
Guillem Pérez Miramar *** Room Manager

04-11-2024 17:30 04-11-2024 18:30 Europe/Madrid The generational handover

What happens when you are part of the generation that will go on to replace their parents or teachers at the head of the business? How do these young people experience it? In this debate we will hear from all of them.

17:30h - 18:30h ForumLab
Workshop with tasting |  

Fermented foods in Korean cuisine

Kwang Uh
Kwang Uh Baroo Chef
Mina Park
Mina Park Baroo Chef

04-11-2024 17:45 04-11-2024 18:45 Europe/Madrid Fermented foods in Korean cuisine

A session in which you can learn all the secrets of Korean cuisine from these two famous chefs who have their restaurant in the heart of Los Angeles. Final tasting.

17:45h - 18:45h Taller
Talk |  

Passion for authentic pizza

Riccardo Figurato
Riccardo Figurato Fratelli Figurato Chef
Vittorio Figurato
Vittorio Figurato Fratelli Figurato Chef


04-11-2024 18:00 04-11-2024 19:00 Europe/Madrid Passion for authentic pizza

The two Figurato brothers will show us live how they make their now famous pizzas.

Aula Forum
18:00h - 19:00h Aula Forum

Mirazur R&D, a fundamental pillar of innovation

Laura Colagreco
Laura Colagreco Mirazur *** Editorial and artistic manager
Diego Rey
Diego Rey I+D Mirazur *** General Coordinator
Eleonora Turbiani
Eleonora Turbiani Mirazur *** Archaeologist & Anthropologist
Paloma Boitier
Paloma Boitier Mirazur *** Chef
Alessandro Di Tizio
Alessandro Di Tizio Mirazur *** Ethnobotanist

04-11-2024 18:15 04-11-2024 19:00 Europe/Madrid Mirazur R&D, a fundamental pillar of innovation

Presentation of the Mirazur R&D space:

In 2020, Mauro Colagreco began investing in research and development (R&D) with the creation of a fully dedicated unit. 

It is now a fundamental pillar of innovation in its macrocosm and especially within the MIRAZUR*** microcosm.

By bringing together a range of fundamental and applied research activities, the R&D department aims to produce new knowledge, invent new models and improve existing ones, in order to contribute more and more and better to the objectives of sustainable development.

In this session we will learn about their work from some members of the team itself: Laura Colagreco, Eleonora Tubiani, Paloma Boitier, Alessandro di Tizio and Diego Rey.

18:15h - 19:00h Auditori
Tue 05
Competition |  

Spanish Championship “Pizza por pasión”


05-11-2024 10:00 05-11-2024 15:00 Europe/Madrid Spanish Championship “Pizza por pasión”

In collaboration with the Università della Pizza Italiana del Mondo, GFB will host the Spanish championship Pizza por Pasión.

Professional pizza chefs from all over Spain will compete for this prized award. The aim of the competition is to recognize the gastronomic level of pizza, to promote the pizza maker’s profession and to promote quality pizza.

Aula Forum
10:00h - 15:00h Aula Forum
Talk |  

Generation 90, the future is here

Brais Pichel
Brais Pichel Terra * Chef
Carlos Casillas
Carlos Casillas Barro * Chef
Iris Jordan
Iris Jordan Ansils Chef
Rita Llanes
Rita Llanes Leartá Chef
Manu Lachica
Manu Lachica Leartá Chef
Aaron Ortiz
Aaron Ortiz Kabo * Chef
Jaione Aizpurua
Jaione Aizpurua Kabo * Head of Room and Sommelier
Lluc Crusellas
Lluc Crusellas Eukarya Chocolatier
Esther Merino
Esther Merino Fango Bartender
Diego Prado
Diego Prado Fango Chef

05-11-2024 11:00 05-11-2024 14:30 Europe/Madrid Generation 90, the future is here

Ten magnificent exponents of young gastronomy will take the stage to explain their successful business models.

11:00h - 14:30h Auditori
Workshop with tasting |  

Eight names and eight dishes of contemporary Catalan cuisine (1)

Artur Martínez
Artur Martínez Aürt * Chef
Nandu Jubany
Nandu Jubany Can Jubany * Chef
Joan Juncà
Joan Juncà Ca l’Enric * Head of Room
Albert Raurich
Albert Raurich Dos Pebrots
Takeshi Somekawa
Takeshi Somekawa Dos Pebrots Chef

05-11-2024 11:00 05-11-2024 12:30 Europe/Madrid Eight names and eight dishes of contemporary Catalan cuisine (1)

Four great exponents of contemporary Catalan cuisine such as Artur Martínez (Aürt*) Nandu Jubany (Can Jubany*), the Juncà brothers (Ca l'Enric*) and Albert Rauriich (Dos Pebrots, Barcelona) will cook live one of their most emblematic dishes that visitors will be able to taste when each of them finishes their demonstration.

11:00h - 12:30h Taller
Cook & Chat |  

Barcelona on your plate! A city to eat it up

Òscar Boronat
Òscar Boronat CETT UB Teacher
Ana Pardo
Ana Pardo Alimentem Collserola
Iñigo Haugley
Iñigo Haugley Collserola Pagesa
Alfred March
Alfred March D Collserola

05-11-2024 11:00 05-11-2024 12:00 Europe/Madrid Barcelona on your plate! A city to eat it up

Small producers from the city of Barcelona explain their work and present their products while CETT students transform them by cooking them.

Aula Mercat Barcelona
11:00h - 12:00h Aula Mercat Barcelona
Talk |  

Anthropology of the bar: an approach to the study of emotions

05-11-2024 11:00 05-11-2024 11:40 Europe/Madrid Anthropology of the bar: an approach to the study of emotions

Opening keynote lecture:

The impact of AI in gastronomy: can technology replace the human factor?

11:00h - 11:40h ForumLab
Talk |  

El impacto de la IA en la gastronomía ¿puede la tecnología sustituir el factor humano?

05-11-2024 11:00 05-11-2024 14:15 Europe/Madrid El impacto de la IA en la gastronomía ¿puede la tecnología sustituir el factor humano? ForumLab
11:00h - 14:15h ForumLab

hind Artificial Intelligence, knowledge or barbarism?

Sergio Gil
Sergio Gil Fundación Restaurantes Sostenibles Founder and President
Emma G. Cabanas
Emma G. Cabanas Fundación Restaurantes Sostenibles Executive Project Management
Xavier Medina
Xavier Medina Unesco Chair in Food, Culture and Development Professor
Manuela Delgado
Manuela Delgado NTT Data Head of Innovation Projects

05-11-2024 11:45 05-11-2024 13:00 Europe/Madrid hind Artificial Intelligence, knowledge or barbarism? ForumLab
11:45h - 13:00h ForumLab
Workshop with tasting |  

Eight names and eight dishes of contemporary Catalan cuisine (2)

Marc Gascons
Marc Gascons Els Tinars * Chef
Borja Sierra
Borja Sierra Granja Elena Chef
Joel Castañé
Joel Castañé La Boscana * Chef
Víctor Quintillà
Víctor Quintillà Lluerna * Chef
Mar Gómez
Mar Gómez Lluerna * Head of Room and Sommelier
Maria Ángeles Chiriboga
Maria Ángeles Chiriboga La Boscana *

05-11-2024 13:00 05-11-2024 14:30 Europe/Madrid Eight names and eight dishes of contemporary Catalan cuisine (2)

Four great exponents of contemporary Catalan cuisine such as Marc Gascons (Els Tinars*), Borja Sierra (Granja Elena), Joel Castañé (La Boscana) and Víctor Quintillà & Mar Gómez (Lluerna*) will cook live one of their most emblematic dishes that visitors will be able to taste when each of them finishes their demonstration.

13:00h - 14:30h Taller
Cook & Chat |  

stainable restoration: closing circles

Lorenzo Sagona
Lorenzo Sagona Espai Puntal Chef
Georgina Inglavaga
Georgina Inglavaga Espai Puntal Chef
Merkel Cormenzana
Merkel Cormenzana Espai Puntal Chef
Diego Waehner
Diego Waehner Association Abono km0 Co-founder

05-11-2024 13:00 05-11-2024 14:00 Europe/Madrid stainable restoration: closing circles

The people at Espai Puntal, in the Ribera neighbourhood, are clear: to be sustainable in the restaurant industry, a circular economy must be applied to reuse resources and even waste. They talk about it with two protagonists of this necessary change.

Aula Mercat Barcelona
13:00h - 14:00h Aula Mercat Barcelona
Talk |  

The curious case of kibble bias

05-11-2024 13:15 05-11-2024 14:15 Europe/Madrid The curious case of kibble bias

The Curious Case of the Croquette Bias© is a sociological experiment, the participants will consciously experience what it means to train an artificial intelligence model and how the hitherto invisible biases have an impact.

13:15h - 14:15h ForumLab
Cook & Chat |  

Pulses, new vegetable proteins and their use in mass catering

Nani Moré
Nani Moré Menjardors Ecològics Founding partner
Pere Carrió
Pere Carrió Gat Blau Chef
Silvia López Vílchez
Silvia López Vílchez Germans Corbella School Head chef
Mª Josep Bernadó Puñet
Mª Josep Bernadó Puñet Dovella Serveis Escolars Manager

05-11-2024 15:00 05-11-2024 16:00 Europe/Madrid Pulses, new vegetable proteins and their use in mass catering

It is true that we have to reduce animal protein to combat climate chaos and pulses are a good alternative, much more sustainable. We talk about it and cook them for you in this workshop.

Aula Mercat Barcelona
15:00h - 16:00h Aula Mercat Barcelona
Workshop with tasting |  

Responsible cooking, from farm to fork with bonÀrea

Arnau París
Arnau París Chef
Genís Parareda
Genís Parareda bonÀrea Agrupa Chef

#Sponsored session

05-11-2024 15:30 05-11-2024 16:30 Europe/Madrid Responsible cooking, from farm to fork with bonÀrea

This presentation will focus on how the vertical integration model and bonÀrea's commitment to the territory and the environment allow us to offer fresh, quality, local food. It will show how efficiency in each step of the food chain contributes to a more sustainable cuisine, with less waste and more respect for the natural environment. Attendees will be able to see in action how delicious dishes can be prepared and tasted using ingredients managed under this circular model.


Translated with (free version)

15:30h - 16:30h Taller
Awards |  

Plat Favorit dels Catalans

Nandu Jubany
Nandu Jubany Can Jubany * Chef

05-11-2024 16:00 05-11-2024 16:45 Europe/Madrid Plat Favorit dels Catalans

Cuina magazine will reveal the favourite seafood dish of Catalans. It has been chosen by the readers and followers of the publication, from among 12 initial proposals, through voting at Before the grand finale, the event begins with a talk entitled ‘The sublimation of the beach bar. Evolution of cuisine by the sea’ with Nandu Jubany.

16:00h - 16:45h Auditori
Talk |  

Slow Pizza

Gioel Demaio
Gioel Demaio DeMaio Chef
Mattias Demaio
Mattias Demaio Demaio Chef


05-11-2024 16:30 05-11-2024 17:30 Europe/Madrid Slow Pizza

How are pizzas considered some of the best in Europe made? The Demaio brothers will explain.

Aula Forum
16:30h - 17:30h Aula Forum
Talk |  

Presentation Clústerfoodservice and projects in execution

05-11-2024 16:30 05-11-2024 16:45 Europe/Madrid Presentation Clústerfoodservice and projects in execution

Presentation of the Cluster and brief presentation of the Circularfood, RqueR and Mediterrani projects.

16:30h - 16:45h ForumLab
Awards |  

Josep Mercader Awards

05-11-2024 16:45 05-11-2024 17:30 Europe/Madrid Josep Mercader Awards

The Josep Mercader Awards are intended to recognize the work, individual or collective carried out, sometimes throughout a lifetime. They are the recognition of the work or legacy that these people have done or leave in different sectors of activity and in different social, economic and professional fields, related to gastronomy.

The categories are: Cuisine, Room, Wine, Producer (Countryside and Fishing sector), Training, Trade and Sustainable Restaurant.

16:45h - 17:30h Auditori
Workshop with tasting |  

Amas da terra: legacy, culture and cuisine

Lucía Freitas
Lucía Freitas A Tafona * Chef

05-11-2024 16:45 05-11-2024 17:45 Europe/Madrid Amas da terra: legacy, culture and cuisine

Lucía Freitas will be accompanied in this session by Dolores Gómez, bateeira of Rianxo and president of the association Mulleres Salgadas and Dolores García, cook and co-owner of Casa Peto in Outes. Tasting of the dishes prepared once the workshop is over.

16:45h - 17:45h Taller
Talk |  

Innovación y sostenibilidad en el diseño de menús para el futuro del foodservice

Guillermo Mena Sanchez
Guillermo Mena Sanchez Fruselva R&D Director Moderator
Xavier Herreros Torrens
Xavier Herreros Torrens Meritem Managing Director
Raimon Bagó Mons
Raimon Bagó Mons Serhs Food Managing Director
Jeroni Vargas Diaz
Jeroni Vargas Diaz Càmara Arrossera del Montsià Marketing Director
Toni Massanes Sánchez
Toni Massanes Sánchez Fundació Alícia Managing Director
Sergi Rostoll Roig
Sergi Rostoll Roig Calblay Managing Director
Marc Castells Mucia
Marc Castells Mucia Mariscme Co-owner

05-11-2024 16:45 05-11-2024 18:00 Europe/Madrid Innovación y sostenibilidad en el diseño de menús para el futuro del foodservice

Round table where the aspects of the Mediterranean diet and the project requested related to it will be debated, exposing both health and environmental benefits and market trends regarding the change of diet in the population.

16:45h - 18:00h ForumLab
Showcooking |  

Marc Ribas: cooking the landscape to preserve it

Marc Ribas
Marc Ribas La Taverna del Ciri Chef

05-11-2024 17:00 05-11-2024 18:00 Europe/Madrid Marc Ribas: cooking the landscape to preserve it

Marc Ribas has changed the focus of his Taverna del Ciri in Terrassa and now speaks of a dynamic menu that is much more in tune with the territory and the seasons.

Aula Mercat Barcelona
17:00h - 18:00h Aula Mercat Barcelona
Talk |  

The sweet cuisine of the Enigma

Alfredo Machado
Alfredo Machado Enigma *

05-11-2024 17:30 05-11-2024 18:15 Europe/Madrid The sweet cuisine of the Enigma

In this session we will be able to discover the spectacular and admired sweet cuisine that Alfredo prepares together with Albert Adrià at the Enigma restaurant.

17:30h - 18:15h Auditori
Talk |  

From soil to pizza

Rafa Panatieri
Rafa Panatieri Sartoria Panatieri Chef
Jorge Sastre
Jorge Sastre Sartoria Panatieri Chef


05-11-2024 18:00 05-11-2024 19:00 Europe/Madrid From soil to pizza

What are the best ingredients for making pizzas? Jorge Sastre and Rafa Panatieri will reveal them in this session. 

Aula Forum
18:00h - 19:00h Aula Forum
Workshop with tasting |  

Twenty years of Catalan cuisine in Barcelona

Jordi Vilà
Jordi Vilà Alkímia * Chef
Albert Ventura
Albert Ventura Coure Chef

05-11-2024 18:00 05-11-2024 19:00 Europe/Madrid Twenty years of Catalan cuisine in Barcelona

These two representatives of Catalan cuisine in Barcelona will prepare some of their most emblematic dishes live. Tasting after the session.

18:00h - 19:00h Taller
Awards |  

Best Artisan Panettone in Spain and Best Chocolate Panettone 2024 awards ceremony

05-11-2024 18:15 05-11-2024 18:45 Europe/Madrid Best Artisan Panettone in Spain and Best Chocolate Panettone 2024 awards ceremony

he Escola de Pastisseria del Gremi de Barcelona will present the awards for Best Artisan Panettone in Spain and Best Chocolate Panettone 2024.

18:15h - 18:45h Auditori
Wed 06
Talk |  

Welcome sixth edition Foodture Barcelona: The Restaurant of the Future

06-11-2024 10:30 06-11-2024 10:35 Europe/Madrid Welcome sixth edition Foodture Barcelona: The Restaurant of the Future

The restaurant of the future will fuse haute cuisine with sustainable innovation, using possible cooking systems such as solar or even energy generated by the movement of the human body.

This space will elevate the gastronomic ritual with an interactive and sensorial design, optimising every energy resource through intelligent systems.

Diners will experience an immersive culinary journey, where technology and nature intertwine to offer exquisite and sustainable dishes, redefining the concept of luxury and sustainability in the restaurant industry.

10:30h - 10:35h ForumLab

FOODTURE BARCELONA (6th edition): The restaurant of the future

06-11-2024 10:30 06-11-2024 17:45 Europe/Madrid FOODTURE BARCELONA (6th edition): The restaurant of the future ForumLab
10:30h - 17:45h ForumLab
Talk |  

Farm FabLab

Carolina Angeli
Carolina Angeli Plat Institute Founder and CEO
Miquel Martínez
Miquel Martínez Plat Institute Materials Research

06-11-2024 10:35 06-11-2024 11:40 Europe/Madrid Farm FabLab

Farm FabLab is an innovative R&D project of Plat Institute, exploring creative solutions to achieve food and energy sovereignty. Launched in 2023, this project is dedicated to addressing crucial challenges such as energy independence, waste management and circular design, with the aim of building more sustainable and resilient systems.

At Farm FabLab we are starting small, growing our own fruit and vegetables, and transforming waste into new materials. Examples include recycling glass bottles and reusing plastics to create functional design items. Organic waste is used to make compost and innovative biomaterials that give value to our waste.

Join us as we delve deeper into the development of the project to share key insights from the research and discuss how these approaches can contribute to a more sustainable future for food and energy systems.

10:35h - 11:40h ForumLab
Awards |  

Presentation Slow Food Guide Barcelona 2025

06-11-2024 11:00 06-11-2024 12:00 Europe/Madrid Presentation Slow Food Guide Barcelona 2025

Presentation of the Slow Guide Barcelona 2025 and presentation of new plaques to Km0 restaurants

11:00h - 12:00h Auditori
Competition |  

Awards The Baker 2024

06-11-2024 11:00 06-11-2024 12:30 Europe/Madrid Awards The Baker 2024

Second edition of the award organised by the Baking School Barcelona Sabadell of the Gremi de Flequers de la Provincia de Barcelona.


11.00h Presentation of candidates, buffets and juries.

11.30 a.m. Jury deliberation and interview of finalists

11.50 am The Baker Awards Ceremony


Yohan Ferrant - Director Baking School Barcelona Sabadell
Mª Cruz Barón - Sots directora Baking School Barcelona Sabadell
Xavier Barriga - Turris
Daniel Ramos - La Cremita
David Hernandez - Baking School Barcelona Sabadell
Sylvain Herviaux - MOF 2011
Matt Valette - Baking School Barcelona Sabadell
Enric Badia - Forn Elias


Diego Marín - Pandemonium
Fran Zaragoza - Masa Mare
Georgina Reinares - Panadería Barrihuelo
Martí Alemany - Forn de la Rambla
Antonio García - Panem

11:00h - 12:30h Taller
Showcooking |  

The sustainable restoration that resists in the centre of Barcelona

Marc Pérez
Marc Pérez La Sosenga Chef

06-11-2024 11:00 06-11-2024 12:00 Europe/Madrid The sustainable restoration that resists in the centre of Barcelona

Withstanding the pressure of tourism in Barcelona and continuing to offer good traditional, local gastronomy is an increasingly difficult challenge. The guys at a small neighbourhood restaurant, La Sosenga, are managing to do just that.

Aula Mercat Barcelona
11:00h - 12:00h Aula Mercat Barcelona
Talk |  

EFOOD from gastronomy to design

Mariana Eidler
Mariana Eidler FORK Co-founder

06-11-2024 11:45 06-11-2024 12:30 Europe/Madrid EFOOD from gastronomy to design

EFOOD is a forum where academics and food and design experts collaborate in a transdisciplinary way to examine the performance of food systems. 150 experts from 30 countries will discuss the possibilities of (re)-transforming, rethinking and redesigning food systems, making them more inclusive, equitable and sustainable. It may seem like an insurmountable challenge, but in reality there are concrete actions that food experts and designers can take. EFOOD is organised by FORK and in this edition, co-organised by ELISAVA.

11:45h - 12:30h ForumLab
Talk |  

The fascinating sweet world of Celler de Can Roca

Jordi Roca
Jordi Roca El Celler de Can Roca *** Pastry Chef

06-11-2024 12:00 06-11-2024 12:45 Europe/Madrid The fascinating sweet world of Celler de Can Roca

Jordi Roca will take the stage of the Auditorium to prepare live some of the iconic desserts of the Celler de Can Roca. 

12:00h - 12:45h Auditori
Dialogue |  

The haute cuisine restaurant of the future

Andoni Luis Aduriz
Andoni Luis Aduriz Mugaritz ** Chef
Fina Puigdevall
Fina Puigdevall Les Cols ** Chef
Romain Fornell
Romain Fornell Caelis * Chef
Cristina Jolonch
Cristina Jolonch La Vanguardia Journalist Moderator

06-11-2024 12:45 06-11-2024 13:30 Europe/Madrid The haute cuisine restaurant of the future

Three great chefs will discuss the present and future of haute cuisine. Moderated by journalist Cristina Jolonch.

12:45h - 13:30h Auditori
Talk |  

The food design book

Sergi Freixes
Sergi Freixes Instituto Europeo di Design Coordinator and teacher
Elsa Yranzo
Elsa Yranzo Designer, art director and curator
Ivan Merino
Ivan Merino Biscuits Industrial designer and teacher

06-11-2024 12:45 06-11-2024 13:30 Europe/Madrid The food design book

Food design, better known as food design, is probably one of the most exciting and unknown subjects in the world of design. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it uses food as its main working tool. The need to transform the food system and move it towards more sustainable models has been the trigger for the emergence of new professionals specialised in developing projects that help to improve the food chain and consumption habits in more efficient models.

In this book, three food design experts present a guide that serves as a tool for consulting, contrasting information, finding answers, reformulating questions and opening up new expectations in a discipline that is in constant ferment.

12:45h - 13:30h ForumLab
Talk |  

Today’s bakery through the eyes of young bakers

Enric Badia
Enric Badia Forn Elias Baker
Matt Valette
Matt Valette Morreig Baker
Isabel García
Isabel García Panarte Baker
Roger Vilardosa
Roger Vilardosa Forn Vilardosa
Yohan Ferrant
Yohan Ferrant Baking School Barcelona Sabadell Director Moderator

06-11-2024 13:00 06-11-2024 14:00 Europe/Madrid Today’s bakery through the eyes of young bakers

After the crisis in the bakery sector over the last decade, customers are becoming increasingly demanding. The sector is in transition and is committed to enhancing the quality of its products: long fermentation breads, the use of sourdough, the use of bio-diversity flours, excellent pastries with high quality products and innovative formats, and of course savoury snacks, as well as the pairing of breads in the world of gastronomy.

Young people are increasingly interested in training and in the use of new techniques to implement them in the bakery business, as a model for the future.

In this talk, we will have the opportunity to listen to the opinion of these young speakers who are creating trends in the sector.

13:00h - 14:00h Taller
Showcooking |  

Pizza: from global dish to territorial dish

Massimo Morbi
Massimo Morbi La Balmesina Pizzaiolo
Francesco Cerutti
Francesco Cerutti Pinullet Cheesemaker

06-11-2024 13:00 06-11-2024 14:00 Europe/Madrid Pizza: from global dish to territorial dish

Quality, local pizza is here to stay in Barcelona. Much of the credit for this is due to La Balmesina, which has been on all the lists of the best pizzerias in Europe and the world for years.

Aula Mercat Barcelona
13:00h - 14:00h Aula Mercat Barcelona
Talk |  

From the country to the plate to the new turkish cuisine

Osman Sezener
Osman Sezener ODUrla * Chef
Sinem Özler
Sinem Özler Seraf Chef

06-11-2024 13:30 06-11-2024 14:30 Europe/Madrid From the country to the plate to the new turkish cuisine

Renowned chef Osman Sezener, who brought Istanbul's cuisine to haute cuisine for the first time, and the great chef Sine Özler will showcase the true cuisine of their country, Turkey, on the stage of the Auditorium.

13:30h - 14:30h Auditori
Showcooking |  

Zero waste responsible cooking

Laura Veraguas
Laura Veraguas VER AGUAS Chef
Fran Baixas
Fran Baixas Franca Chef

06-11-2024 15:00 06-11-2024 16:00 Europe/Madrid Zero waste responsible cooking

Cooking by living in the present, looking to the past and respecting the future.

Aula Mercat Barcelona
15:00h - 16:00h Aula Mercat Barcelona
Awards |  

Award Cuiner 2024 Gastronomic Forum Barcelona

06-11-2024 16:00 06-11-2024 17:30 Europe/Madrid Award Cuiner 2024 Gastronomic Forum Barcelona

The Cuiner Gastronomic Forum Barcelona award, which was created in 2009, recognises the work of emerging chefs who offer quality culinary proposals, using local products, and who are committed to sustainable cuisine.

During the event, six candidates pre-selected through online voting and the criteria of a specialised jury, cook live a dish that identifies them and summarises their cuisine.

In collaboration with La Vanguardia.

16:00h - 17:30h Auditori
Workshop with tasting |  

Plant-Forward and Zero Waste Menus: the future of catering

Adelaida Ferrer Torrens
Adelaida Ferrer Torrens Torribera Mediterranean Center Co-Executive Director Moderator
Francisco José Pérez Cano
Francisco José Pérez Cano INSA UB Director
Juli Carulla
Juli Carulla Barcelona Culinary Hub Coordinator and teacher
Tomas Romero
Tomas Romero Universitat de Barcelona UB Teacher
Marina Pérez-Llorca
Marina Pérez-Llorca INSA UB Investigadora

06-11-2024 16:00 06-11-2024 17:00 Europe/Madrid Plant-Forward and Zero Waste Menus: the future of catering Taller
16:00h - 17:00h Taller
Talk |  

Future Restaurant I/ Phygital Kitchens

Nicole Vindel
Nicole Vindel Artist and creative director

06-11-2024 16:00 06-11-2024 16:45 Europe/Madrid Future Restaurant I/ Phygital Kitchens

What impact can the digitisation of spaces have? Kitchens in restaurants of the future will integrate manual, mechanical and digital systems to enhance the culinary experience and optimise waste management. Mechanical tools will perform repetitive tasks, allowing users to focus on creativity, while digital interfaces will provide real-time guidance on recipes, ingredient usage and nutritional needs. Sustainability will be key, with smart systems automating the sorting and transformation of food waste into compost, energy or new materials. These kitchens will optimise resources, reduce waste and create an efficient and environmentally friendly dining experience.

16:00h - 16:45h ForumLab
Cook & Chat |  

Inclusive food: food as a tool of social inclusion

Jordi Herrera
Jordi Herrera Mescadís Lliure Altell Chef
Alfred Vernis
Alfred Vernis ESADE Teacher
Martín Habiague
Martín Habiague Mescladís Foundation Director

06-11-2024 17:00 06-11-2024 18:00 Europe/Madrid Inclusive food: food as a tool of social inclusion

Can food work as a tool for social inclusion and help solve the problems of people's migration and integration? We will discuss this with Funcació Mescladís and ESADE Barcelona.

Aula Mercat Barcelona
17:00h - 18:00h Aula Mercat Barcelona
Talk |  

Future Restaurant II / Digital Fabrication

Juan Manuel Umbert Rosselló
Juan Manuel Umbert Rosselló Makeat BCN CEO and Co-founder

06-11-2024 17:00 06-11-2024 17:45 Europe/Madrid Future Restaurant II / Digital Fabrication

Makeat has created and implemented the Food Thinking methodology, which applies creativity strategies and techniques applied to the gastronomic sector, such as digital design, rapid prototyping technology and collaboration with experts in different areas. This approach has enabled the creation of numerous innovative and attractive products and experiences for users.

17:00h - 17:45h ForumLab
Workshop with tasting |  

Strategy in the kitchen: the versatility of olive oil as a gastronomic transformer

Periko Ortega
Periko Ortega Chef
Adelaida Ferrer Torrens
Adelaida Ferrer Torrens Torribera Mediterranean Center Co-Executive Director Moderator
Francisco José Pérez Cano
Francisco José Pérez Cano INSA UB Director
Maria Perez Bosch
Maria Perez Bosch Universitat de Barcelona Teacher

06-11-2024 17:30 06-11-2024 18:30 Europe/Madrid Strategy in the kitchen: the versatility of olive oil as a gastronomic transformer Taller
17:30h - 18:30h Taller