
Sergi Fàbregas

Chef | El Brot Vilavenut
Sergi Fàbregas


He came from the world of music and ended up in the kitchen cooking local produce thanks to a close relationship with producers. El Brot aims to be a centre for the dissemination of sustainable projects. Sergi has co-founded projects such as the Cooperativa Integral Catalana.


Dialogue |  

ocial commitment and ethical values, inescapable ingredients of the 21st century

Mar Gómez
Mar Gómez Lluerna * Head of Room and Sommelier
Vicent Guimerà
Vicent Guimerà L' Antic Molí Chef
Marc Casanovas
Marc Casanovas Journalist Moderator
Lourdes Reyzábal
Lourdes Reyzábal Fundación Raíces - Cocina Conciencia President
Sergi Fàbregas
Sergi Fàbregas El Brot Chef

04-11-2024 13:00 04-11-2024 14:00 Europe/Madrid ocial commitment and ethical values, inescapable ingredients of the 21st century

Chefs and experts will reflect on the value of social commitment in the restaurant sector

Mon 4 13:00h - 14:00h ForumLab